Everything you need to know about using Surreal



1. Getting started: Agents

6 articles

2. Invite & Manage your Entertainers

2 articles

3. Managing The Venue's Calendar

4 articles

4. Payments and Invoicing

3 articles

5. Marketing & Promotions

1 article

Venue Managers & hirers

1. Getting Started: Venues

5 articles

2. Invite / Book & Discover Entertainers

Invite, discover and book entertainers for your events.

5 articles

3. Set up and Manage your Surreal Events

Create events, request availabilities, send offers and much more.

2 articles

4. Finance: Invoicing & Payments

Adjust, verify and raise invoices.

3 articles

5. Marketing & Promotions

Automate online promotion of your events through the Widget and QR Codes.

2 articles


1. Getting Started with Surreal

New to Surreal? Start here!

4 articles

2. Manage your Bookings

Everything you need to know about managing your bookings and availability requests.

3 articles

3. Invoicing and Payments

All you need to know about getting paid through Surreal - No more invoices!

5 articles