Making changes before and after event date 🪩

Changes to performances on event nights may occur, requiring adjustments for accurate payments. Entertainers and venue staff should promptly communicate any alterations.

Performance adjustments can be made up until the venue initiates performances for payment, after which no changes can be applied. Please contact for any changes missed.

Agents and Venues are advised to log into Surreal on Mondays /Tuesdays for post-performance adjustments.

To make adjustments, navigate to your "Scheduling" screen via clicking the Surreal logo (top left) and then click your agency name. From there simply click on any performance that needs altering, then make the required changes.

There are a few different reasons an adjustment may be needed:

  1. Extended set times:

If the entertainer played a longer set than had been booked, it may have been to cover for the late arrival of the next act or just because the crowd wouldn't let them finish ("one more, one more!").

Payment amounts are locked in when confirmed/offer accepted. If set up using the per hour rate, the payment total will automatically update when start and/or end time is updated. (Make sure to update the total manually if the performance was set to flat rate.)

  1. Payment rate changed:

Negotiated a different rate with the entertainer? Make sure you update the performance to reflect the change to the payment total.

  1. No-Show Entertainer:

If unable to make it, Entertainers should cancel their performance from their profile in Surreal as well as letting you and the venue team know. If they've let you know they are unwell but not cancelled the booking, you can cancel the performance and let everyone know.

  1. Last minute Entertainer replacement:

If someone else stepped in and completed the set with late notice, the Venue can adjust the booking in their payments tab to swap artists prior to invoicing, so it will reflect correct details.

Pre vs Post adjustments: keeping track

If adjusting a confirmed performance before the start time an automated notification will be sent to the Entertainer.

Once the event has taken place, adjustment notes are required if booking details are changed by venue staff. Notes can be viewed by Agents and Entertainers within the gig invoice.

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