Chat with your entertainers through Surreal 💬

Simplify Communication with your Entertainers through our chattool.

Effective communication with entertainers is vital for your venue's success. Surreal offers a centralised messaging system to streamline this process, enabling you to chat with both existing and newly discovered entertainers through our marketplace.

1. Accessing the Messaging System

Find the messaging system in the navigation menu when you log in to your venue's account.

Click the top chat icon to view all messages. Notification will be sent via email when you receive a new message.

2. Chatting with Existing Entertainers

Initiate a chat with entertainers you've worked with by clicking the 3 dots next to their offered or confirmed performance and hit send message. Performance details are pre populated now in the message input field.

3. Connecting with New Entertainers through Discover

Connect with new entertainers by checking out their entertainer profile and clicking "Send Message" to start a chat. You can also do this directly from your contact list once they've been added.

Enjoy centralized messaging, reduced miscommunication, and a unified platform for all your communication needs.

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