Installing a PWA

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are web applications that provide a native app-like experience, including notifications. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to install a PWA either system, which add the PWA to the home screen of your device.

Installing a PWA on iOS:

  1. Open Safari:
    • On your iOS device, open the Safari browser.
  2. Navigate to the PWA:
    • Enter the URL of the Progressive Web App you want to install in the Safari address bar and press Enter.
  3. Access the Share Menu:
    • Once the PWA is loaded, tap the "Share" button at the bottom center or top of the Safari screen. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing upward.
  4. Find "Add to Home Screen":
    • In the Share menu, scroll through the options until you find "Add to Home Screen." It might be necessary to swipe left or right to locate it.
  5. Customize the App Icon and Name (Optional):
    • iOS will generate a suggested name and icon for the app, but you can customize these if you prefer. Tap on the app icon or name field to edit them.
  6. Tap "Add":
    • Once you are satisfied with the icon and name (or if you want to stick with the defaults), tap the "Add" button in the top right corner.
  7. Confirmation:
    • You'll be taken back to the home screen, and the PWA icon will be added. You can now launch the PWA by tapping on its icon, just like a native app.
  8. Access the PWA:
    • Find the newly added PWA icon on your home screen and tap it to open the app. The PWA will open in full-screen mode, providing a more app-like experience.

Installing a PWA on Android:

  1. Open Chrome:
    • On your Android device, open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Navigate to the PWA:
    • Enter the URL of the Progressive Web App you want to install in the Chrome address bar and press Enter.
  3. Access the Menu:
    • Tap the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the Chrome screen to open the menu.
  4. Find "Add to Home screen":
    • In the menu, look for the option labeled "Add to Home screen" or a similar option.
  5. Customize the App Icon and Name (Optional):
    • Chrome will suggest a name and icon for the app, but you can customize these if desired. Tap on the app icon or name field to edit them.
  6. Tap "Add":
    • Once you are satisfied with the icon and name (or if you want to stick with the defaults), tap "Add" or "Add to Home screen."
  7. Confirmation:
    • You'll see a confirmation message, and the PWA icon will be added to your home screen.
  8. Access the PWA:
    • Find the newly added PWA icon on your home screen and tap it to open the app. The PWA will open in full-screen mode, providing an app-like experience.

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