Customise and install your Gig Widget 🏟

Customise your Gig Widget to make it look and feel like your own brand:

  1. Select the date range you want to promote your events for. 7/ 14 / 30 or 60 days.
  2. Choosing either a light, dark or custom theme.
  3. If you select a custom theme you'll be able to change the following:
  • Text Colour
  • Background Colour
  • Use transparent background
  • Use round corners
  • Show widget borders

Installing your Gig Widget on your Website:

It's a simple process that involves taking your Surreal code snippet and getting it added to your website wherever you'd like it displayed. We recommend your What's On / Events page on your website.

1. Simply head to the Widget tab in your Surreal menu bar and hit the Copy button in Widget Settings. This will automatically copy the widget code snippet to your clipboard

2. Once you've got the code copied, all you need to do is share this with the person that updates your website or embed it yourself if you are in charge of it, see below.

3. You simply insert the iFrame where you'd like it to display on your Venue's website.

This process will differ between website providers and we recommend you follow the instructions provided by your website host when embedding iFrames. We've included some of these guides below to help get you started:

4. Once your widget has been added to your website, it will update automatically as you add future events into Surreal. You won't need to touch it again unless you want to update any images.

Maintenance and updates:

You have the ability to swap out any images on the widget to assets your venue prefers to use.

When Entertainers upload their assets onto their entertainer profile these will automatically be shared with the venue which you can also pick and choose from.

Make sure any greyed out tiles are updated so it updates it automatically on your website.

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