Post performance adjustments and swapping out entertainers. 🎸

If an entertainer wasn't able to perform last minute and another entertainer(s) performed instead, you'll need to adjust the performance details post performance to update the entertainer. If not done, payment may be incorrect or delayed. You can also amend the original set times and rates if they need to be adjusted.

1. Navigate to your Finance tab and go to Payments

2. Find the performance listed and click on the 3 dots to adjust performance details.

3. Click on the entertainers image and search for the entertainer who performed instead. You can also adjust the performance times / rates then note the reason for this adjustment, which is viewable by the entertainer.

4.Click save changes to remove the original entertainer from the booking and replace with the new entertainer so the outstanding amount will now be invoiced/paid to them. Don't forget to verify the performance (after adjusting) before invoicing for venue payment.

Don't forget to verify the performance (after adjusting) before invoicing so the new entertainers will get paid for their performances.

Note: In the event you've raised an invoice with incorrect performance details reach out to as soon as possible so we can try and stop the payment going through.

If payment has already been distributed to the incorrect entertainer then it will be up to their discretion to refund that money back so we can pay to right entertainer. 

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