SEO for Venues 📉

Surreal SEO For Venues 🌍

Surreal creates pages for venues, artists and individual events marked up in line with Google’s event schema documentation.

Every event booked through the platform automatically creates its own page as well as added to the relevant venue and entertainer automatically.

Using Google’s Event SEO schema can boost the search results of a particular event by providing search engines with detailed information about the event, including its name, date, location, and ticket information.

This information can then be used by search engines to display “rich snippets” in the search results, including the event’s name, date, and location, and sometimes even a link to purchase tickets.This can help increase visibility and drive more traffic to the event’s website.

Additionally, using Event SEO schema can also increase the chances of the event showing up on Google’s “Events” section and also on Google Maps. This can also help increase visibility and drive more traffic to the event’s website.

Overall, using Event SEO schema can help a business to increase their event visibility, attract more attendees and drive more traffic to the event’s website, which can help increase ticket sales and revenue for the business.

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