Manage your availability through Surreal. 📆

Availability Requests and Offers

Venues and agents can reach out to check if you're free for upcoming gigs by sending you an availability request. As the entertainer, you can also let them know when you're not available for shows using our newest feature - Manage unavailability. 🎊

Respond to the request to signal your availability by clicking thumbs up (if available) or thumbs down (if unavailable). This will automatically notify the venue of your availability.

***Note: Availability requests are not gig offers. You'll only see the payment amount when a booking offer is received from the venue/agent which you'll need to accept, decline or discuss.

Managing your unavailability:

Manage unavailability” button added to your Entertainer Performances page.

  • Unavailability record consists of a start and end date & time + a timezone and an optional message that will be visible to the venues or agents you work with.

  • When venue / agency tries to book you during these unavailable times they'll see a popup message that you are unavailable. *Coming soon they’ll also be able to see the message you've entered with your unavailability reason.

You can easily manage and add more unavailabilities so the venues and agents always know when you are available to perform.

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