Surreal Marketplace / Discover

Venues can discover you on Surreal. 🌍🕵🏻‍♀️

You'll be discoverable by hundreds of venues on our platform. Venues can view your Surreal Entertainer profile, send you a message, request your availability and send you offers for upcoming events.

Make sure you follow the steps to complete your Surreal Profile as this is the first thing a venue will see before sending an availability request or extending you an offer.

The more information you have in your profile the higher your chances are to receive offers. Remember this is the first thing a venue sees of yours so make it stand out.

Commissions deducted for Venues who discover you:

When you perform at venues you were introduced to through Surreal (or Muso), your future performances are subject to a 15% fee at that venue. You will be notified ahead of time and before you accept an offer with a breakdown the payment you can expect to receive.

On your payments tab


The venue pays you £/$300 + VAT/GST (if applicable) for a performance.

Surreal will receive £/$45 (15%) + VAT/ GST (if applicable) as a fee.

You will receive £/$300 - £/$45 = £/$255 + VAT/GST (if applicable).

Note: You will not incur this fee if your performance is with a venue you have worked with prior to Surreal (or Muso). Please reach out to if you've incorrectly been charged.

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