Availability requests for Agents 🎙

By requesting multiple entertainers availability, you improve your chances of finding artists who are available on your desired event date. Moreover, having several options allows for more flexibility in case unforeseen circumstances arise, ensuring that your event will not be compromised due to a performer's unavailability.

  1. You can request your entertainers availability for specific dates / times before confirming their performance. This feature allows you to ask a multiple entertainers in your agent contact list whether or not they are available to perform. You can request this for single or multiple performances. 

    *Note that this is only a request for their availability; it does not add them into the performance and requires an extra step to send an offer or manually confirm.

  2. Steps to follow:

    • Make sure you or the venue you work with has created the event.
    • As the agent you will add in your performance slots which will include set times, entertainer and your agency rates.
    • When you select the slots in your events page the request availability button will appear.
    • You will get an overview of your entertainers and you can only invite entertainers from your contact list.
    • Filter on the labels you have created in your contact list to send out availability requests so don't forget to create those in your contacts page.
    • You can also apply a deadline when you want to hear back from your entertainers too.
    • The little calendar icon will show you exactly who has responded to your request.

Once you've requested availabilities all what needs to happen next is for you to extend an offer to the entertainer once they have responded ( which they have to accept ) or confirm the performance which is only advised if you've spoken directly with the entertainer.

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